“The Fountain Magazine” 2015 Essay Contest

Date posted: June 25, 2015

How do you think history will record the 21st century?

Throughout human history, different periods have been captured by a defining theme: the Dark Ages… the Industrial Age… the Nuclear Age… the Information Age… the Space Age, etc.

What do you think the theme of the 21st century will be?

The age of connections? Rebirth of faith? Clash of civilizations? Age of the internet? Rise of fundamentalism? Interstellar travel? Gender equality? Human trafficking? WW III? Artificial intelligence? Genetics? Cooperation? Competition? Spiritual revolution? Secularism? Values? Ethics? …

You may include as many topics as you think are relevant; the possibilities seem endless.

One may feel it is too early to determine the theme of what is still a new century. Yet, we believe it can prove useful to project the future and to be prepared for the coming days. Maybe, with enough preparation, it’s even possible to change the course of history before it’s too late!

So, look around and gaze into the horizon. Travel to the future and bring back some news.

Essays are expected to be factual, but with an inspirational style that will feed both our reason and soul.

Deadline for submissions: November 30, 2015

• Contest open to all writers worldwide
• Essay word count must be between 1,500 and 2,500 words
• Essays must be submitted through the essay contest page at www.fountainmagazine.com/essaycontest

1st Place – $1,500
2nd Place – $750
3rd Place – $300
Two Honorable Mentions – $200 each

For more information: www.fountainmagazine.com/essaycontest

Source: Fountain Magazine

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