Turkish schools get award for advanced study in Benin, Mongolia

The general director of Turkish schools in Benin, Abdullah Yüce, is shown being awarded the national order by Chancellor Mamatou M. Meba Bio Djossou on Saturday. (Photo: Cihan)
The general director of Turkish schools in Benin, Abdullah Yüce, is shown being awarded the national order by Chancellor Mamatou M. Meba Bio Djossou on Saturday. (Photo: Cihan)

Date posted: January 20, 2015

A Turkish school that opened in the West African country of Benin in 2006 has been honored with the national order of Benin.

Beninese President Thomas Yayi Boni deemed Abdullah Yüce, the general director of the Turkish schools in his country, worthy of Benin’s national order due to the success of the schools. “We will try to earn the national order in our future endeavors,” Yüce was quoted as saying in a speech he delivered after receiving the award.

The national order was introduced by Chancellor Mamatou M. Meba Bio Djossou on behalf of the president at an official ceremony. Scores of high ranking officials attended the ceremony, including Foreign Minister Nassirou Arifari Bako, the head of the Constitutional Court, bureaucrats from various ministries, the rector of the state university and local and international mission representatives.

“The Turkish school is the sole contributor that makes Benin’s reputation high via its students, who are successful in international [educational] Olympiads,” the president said in a written statement.

The students of the Turkish school have participated in multiple science and mathematics Olympiads across Benin. And those who did well in the Olympiads have been provided scholarships to help them continue their studies. Graduates of the school are provided with scholarships to pursue their higher education in Turkey and in various European and US schools.

Each year 100 students are provided with bursaries and accommodation opportunities.

In addition to French, which is the official language of Benin, English, Turkish and Spanish are taught. The school saw its first graduates in 2012.

Similar success has come from Mongolia, as Turkish schools there won an award for being the best schools in 2014, according to an online poll, and also the “Best of the Best Mongolia 2014” award. The award ceremony was held in the capital city of Ulan Bator. Speaking at the ceremony, Turgut Karabulut, the head of the Empathy Company, which supports the Turkish schools in Mongolia, has extended his gratitude and said he will continue to work to advance the quality of the education at the schools.

Source: Today's Zaman , January 18, 2015

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