Needy Afghans looking forward to Kimse Yok Mu’s eid donations

Needy Afghans looking forward to Kimse Yok Mu’s eid donations
Needy Afghans looking forward to Kimse Yok Mu’s eid donations

Date posted: October 2, 2014

With the Eid al-Adha around the corner, countdown has started in Afghanistan for the meat distributions by Kimse Yok Mu Foundation.

An aid recipient Afghan Melik Zad said, “We received bags of food donations in the month of Ramadan. We kept praying for the donors as we used them all. And now we are looking forward to meat donations. My children are asking me when we’re going to receive our cards and get the donations.” Being a Kabul resident, Zad noted they’re going through hard times due to high unemployment rate in the country and have been able to make it through so far because of the KYM assistance. He fears his house, in a flimsy condition, may collapse any minute. “I’ve been living in this rental house in ruin. It is on a risky land and may collapse any minute. But I can’t move elsewhere because I can’t afford it. I’m already paying $80 for rent. I have a son and two daughters. They’re all young. Kimse Yok Mu from Turkey has been assisting us every year. I swear God; a true eid atmosphere fills our home when we get those donations.”

Kimse Yok Mu Foundation’s eid efforts bring joy to thousands of needy faces every year. Aid recipients of all ages pray for whoever is involved in these efforts. The foundation has been assisting Afghanistan for about 10 years now. Disaster victims and those in need alike have been benefiting from these efforts.

Published [in Turkish] on Haberler, 30 September 2014, Tuesday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , October 2, 2014

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