Prove it [that Hizmet linked to graft operation]

Date posted: December 19, 2013


There are some people who fail to look at the charges that have been leveled against the detainees in the corruption operation that has touched the sons of three ministers and instead they just speculate about the timing and forces that prompted the operation.

I call on these people to first take a look at the content of the investigation. How can we ignore this investigation by simply claiming that it is the Hizmet movement that is behind the operation? If you have documents or the slightest bit of evidence, you should reveal them to prove your claims. Otherwise, you will have been involved in open slander. If we are going to speak, we need to speak with the support of evidence. If we speak just based on gossip, no one will achieve anything. Those who claim that the order for the corruption operation came from abroad need to prove their claims. In addition, no matter where it came from, we should not close our eyes to the enormous corruption and bribery charges in question. If you believe that someone or some people gave the order for the operation, just show your evidence to prove your claim.

Source: Today's Zaman , December 19, 2013

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