Turkish Cultural Center opens in New Hampshire

Date posted: March 25, 2013

Turkish Cultural Center New Hampshire opened it doors at a ceremony held in Manchester on Saturday with the participation of Governor Maggie Hassan, many state politicians, and businessmen.

On Saturday, Governor Maggie Hassan joined Council of Turkic American Associations (CTAA) President Furkan Kosar, and Turkish Cultural Center New Hampshire (TCCNH) President Eyup Sener as well as a host of other local officials for the ribbon cutting of Turkish Cultural Center New Hampshire in Manchester.

“With today’s ribbon cutting, it is easy to see the positive impact that Turkish Cultural Center has already made in the Manchester community and I am confident that we will continue to see great things from the Center in the future, the Center supports multiculturalism and is dedicated to establishing good relations between the American and Turkish communities in Manchester” said Governor Maggie Hassan. After the speech, Governor Hassan presented a Proclamation document for Turkish Cultural Center to CTAA President Furkan Kosar and TCCNH President Eyup Sener. 

Giving the opening speech at the ceremony, TCCNH President Eyup Sener stated that he sincerely believes the newly established cultural center will contribute significantly to New Hampshire.

Also Speaking at event CTAA President Furkan Kosar speaking to the Irish Americans in ceremony gave and interesting fact about Ireland stated: “During Great Famine in Ireland around 1845, Ottoman Empire Sultan Abdul Majid gave $1,000 starling and also sent three ships food supplies, Sultan Abdul Majid actually wanted to give 10,000 but since Queen Victoria gave only $2,000, they only received $1,000.” Mr. Kosar, also stated: ” We are very happy to be here in this new centers opening as it becomes the 45 member of the Council of Turkic American Associations, which is the biggest Turkic American organization in the northeastern region,”

Among the participants of the ceremony were Majority Leader Steve Shurtleff, Turkish Consul General Burak Kararti, Majority Leader Steve Shurtleff, 10 New Hampshire House of Representatives, Peace Islands institute CEO Murat Kaval

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