Azerbaijan’s Turkish Schools celebrates 20th anniversary

Date posted: December 7, 2012

Gulistan Palace in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku witnessed an exciting ceremony for the 20th anniversary of Turkish schools. A conference entitled “Contemporary Azerbaijan and Çağ Schools” was held as part of the celebration. The Secretaries of Education, Transportation and Social Security of Azerbaijan, congressmen, and presidents of several universities attended the conference.

In his speech, Dr. Enver Ozeren, CEO of Çağ Education Company, said “The purpose of these schools is to raise new generations who are enlightened with the combination of scientific knowledge and common universal values.”


Misir Merdanov, the Secretary of Education, underlined that “high number of V.I.P. participation to this program shows how Turkish schools are valuable to us.” He called attention to the highly dedicated, honest and quality faculty and sponsors who are the true heroes behind the success of Turkish schools. “These people are ready to sacrifice even their lives for education.” He also stated that Turkish Schools are very good models for Azerbaijan’s school system. Students of Turkish schools have won more than 500 medals in international science-math Olympiads, he added. This kind of success is an important value for the promotion of the country. At the end of his speech he presented Azerbaijan state medals to some of the current and former instructors for their excellent performance.

Mehmet Saglam, the Vice Speaker of the Turkish Congress, mentioned how he was proud to witness this moment. He said: “The biggest award for these schools is this complementary statement,” referring to Mr. Merdanov’s approbation. He added, “Serving Azerbaijan, serving Turkey.”

There will be Nobel Prize winners from the Turkish Schools

Abel Muharremov, the president of Baku State University, the largest in the nation, mentioned he had no doubt that some people from these schools would be awarded with the Nobel Prize one day.

Naci Tosun, CEO of Kaynak Holding, who is a founder of these schools, had some emotional moments during his speech, which was frequently interrupted with applauds. He told about their first arrival to Azerbaijan in 1992, soon after the collapse of communism. He explained the great improvements by comparing the 1990’s and today’s conditions. He could not hold his tears while explaining the difficulties experienced in the beginning. “Return from a business investment may be acquired shortly after but you expect return from investment in human beings years later” he said.

Congressman Ceyhun Osmanli, who is a graduate of Azerbaijan-Turkish Schools, underlined that what determines a company’s value is its portfolio; Çağ Education Company’s portfolio is quality people.

Abdulbari Guzel, CEO of Azersun Holding, one of the biggest enterprises in Azerbaijan, said that these schools educate the young equipped with not only necessary skills for business world but also moral values. Graduates of these schools occupy leading positions in their companies as well as other businesses. Mr. Guzel believes that most valuable investment is the one made in humans.

Çağ Education Company started its activities in 1992 and operates 12 middle and high schools, 13 college prep courses and Qafqaz University, a prestigious university in the region.

Source: Zaman November 28, 2012

Disclaimer: The original article is in Turkish. Slight deviations from the original meaning may have occurred due to the difficulties in translating phrases and idioms. PII volunteers translated the article.


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