Kimse Yok Mu delegation visited the President of Somalia

Date posted: December 4, 2012

Kimse Yok Mu delegation and Turkish parliamentarians went to Mogadishu, the capital, within the scope of Kimse Yok Mu’s sacrifice festival (Eid al-Adha) organization and visited Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, and Parliament Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari.

Somali President Sheikh Mohamud accepted in his office Vice President of Kimse Yok Mu Celal Türkoğlu, İstanbul deputies Muhammet Çetin and Alev Dedegil, Adana deputy Fatoş Gürkan, Bilecik deputy Fahrettin Poyraz, Kocaeli deputy Zeki Aygün, Turkey’s Ambassador to Mogadishu Cemalettin Kani Torun and Vice President of Nil Organizasyon Murat Kılıç.

Members of the Turkish Parliament, who spent this festival in Somali with Kimse Yok Mu, inspected Kimse Yok Mu’s operations in place and gave gifts to Somali children.


Mahmud expressed his satisfaction with their visit and chatted with the delegation for a while. MP Çetin presented a plaque of TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Turkey), Fatoş Gürkan a porcelain coffee cup depicting Atatürk and Celal Türkoğlu a plaque of Kimse Yok Mu to the President Sheikh Mohamud.

Source: Published in Turkish by Kimse Yok Mu, October 10, 2012. English translation is by HizmetMovement.

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