KYM Ramadan Aid for Ugandan Police Department

Date posted: July 29, 2013

Atif Ala | Kampala

Kimse Yok Mu Foundation, which has launched an aid campaign for the Ugandans in need as of Ramadan month, extended its hands to the country’s police department as well.

As a part of its Ramadan activities, the foundation provided humanitarian aid to the police in the capital Kampala. Aid packages containing staples such as flour, bean, tea and sugar were distributed by KYM volunteers.

As an expression of his feelings, a police officer Ibrahim Saiga said they deeply appreciated the meaningful assistance of KYM. Saiga said they considered the aid out of abundance of Ramadan and appreciated that Turkish people have organized such a campaign miles away in Uganda.

The foundation’s humanitarian aid activities are scheduled to continue across the country throughout the month of Ramadan.

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , July 29, 2013

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