Somalian students condemn plot against Kimse Yok Mu

Date posted: October 6, 2014

The sinister plot to block the aid efforts of Kimse Yok Mu by revoking its permit to collect donations has received widespread condemnation; especially from international students who are pursuing their education in Turkey through the nonprofit’s sponsorship. Students from Somalia, Pakistan and the Congo are in fear of being left stranded.

Kimse Yok Mu has presence in 113 nations directly providing aid to 300 thousands. The non-profit passed a controversially rigorous 2-month inspection with flying colors.

Don’t leave those in need stranded

A total of 500 students from Somaila are studying in Turkey under the sponsorhip of Kimse Yok Mu. “To get the level of education Kimse Yok Mu has provided would have been only a dream where I am from,” said Abdülhakim Muhmmed Ahmet, who has been studying under Kimse Yok Mu’s sponsorship in Turkey’s western province of Balıkesir. He pleaded, “We thank Allah and Kimse Yok Mu and the people of Turkey. Please do not sever the branches of aid which reach out to the people in need – don’t blind the eyes of the needy.”

Who will look after us?

İbrahim Muhammed Abdülkadir said that Kimse Yok Mu sponsored the travel of 500 students to Turkey for education. Another student, Muhammed Adam Abdi, added, “the non-profit answered our call. We are saddened by the news. Who will look after us? Will have to pack up our bags and head home.” Muhtar Ali Guled “God bless Kimse Yok Mu for everything they have done for us. What will become of all the people in need if the non-profit were to be closed?”

Hundreds provided eye-care treatment

Kimse Yok Mu provides health care to 5,000 people in Pakistan. In September alone the nonprofit provided eye-care treatment for 2,047 patients across Pakistan. The non-profit has provided cataract treatment for a total of 492 Pakistanis, for free, in the provinces of Dera İsmail Khan and Paktunya in June and September. The ongoing campaign aims to treat 5,000 patients.

“Don’t even think about it”

The Chairman of the opposition BBP (Grand Unity Party) Mustafa Destici stated that any action against Kimse Yok Mu would clearly be indicative of ill intent. He warned officials, stating, “Don’t even think about it,” adding “Kimse Yok Mu are pioneers in the aid world.”

Source: BGN NEWS , October 2, 2014

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