New Level of Witch Hunt: Relatives are Targeted in Turkey

Date posted: August 18, 2016

Dudu Cakir
86-year-old mother

On July 26, Turkish police stormed the house of Muhammet Cakir, a lawyer wanted for arrest on coup charges. Failing to find the lawyer at home, they detained his 86-year-old mother to force her son to surrender. She has been kept as hostage since.

Bulent Korucu
Editor-in-Chief, Yarina Bakis

Bulent was the editor-in-chief ot Yarina Bakis daily until Turkish government shut it down in the post-coup crackdown. Now, he is wanted for arrest. On July 30, Turkish authorities detained his wife, Hacer Korucu, as a hostage until her husband surrenders. After 10 days in detention, Hacer has been arrested on August 9.

Gendarmerie searches house of Hakan Sukur
Former MP and Turkish Football Star

Gendarmerie forces have searched the house of former Turkish international footballer and former MP Hakan Şükür in the Kandıra district of the northwestern province of Kocaeli, as a part of investigations into the failed July 15 coup attempt.

A detention warrant has been issued for Şükür, who is accused of being a member of the faith-based Gülen Movement. The government accuses the movement of masterminding the coup attempt although the movement denies any involvement.

Hakan Sukur’s father Selmet Sukur has been taken into police custody on August 12 and still detained in custody.

The search was carried out as a part of the probe launched by the Sakarya Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office over the failed takeover bid, Doğan News Agency reported on Aug. 16.

Earlier, police arrested the father of Şükür as it failed to reach the former star.

Şükür played for Istanbul side Galatasaray and was capped 112 times for the Turkish national team. He also had stints abroad for Inter Milan, Parma and Blackburn Rovers.

Source: Social Port , Aug 17, 2016

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