Gulen’s message to those who follow his ideals in the midst of defamation by Erdogan regime

Date posted: July 30, 2016

Question: Do you have any message to the people who are trying to structure their lives according to your ideals?

Fethullah Gulen: There may be people who like or sympathize…

We have seen many storms so far.

In May 27th [military coup in 1960], I was an imam who had not done the military service yet. I was arrested and imprisoned. But I was not insulted this much.

In March 12th (1971), a coup was staged by the military. I was imprisoned again. But I was not disgraced to this extent.

In September 12th (1980), I hided away for about six years. Turgut Özal used his influence -as a minister at the time- and a decision not to prosecute was made. So, I was exposed to such things again and again since the beginning.

When I came here to Mayo Clinic in the period of Feb. 28th [political turmoil in 1997] there were storms in Turkey at the time. After I came here [in 1999], the June storm [of defamation] happened. Since I witnessed/lived through this over and over I have become accustomed to it. This is my fate.

And, I do not know how much they confine themselves to or believe this, but Our Prophet says, “the most difficult, the hardest calamities befell upon the Prophets and then the people who are best after them according to their righteousness” with the permission and help of Allah (God Almighty).

I have always believed that calamities would take away our mistakes and faults.

I hope that those who set their hearts on a cause will not loosen their hands about working on the world solidarity and universal human values, and they will continue on their way. I hope they do not get shaken by such storms, with Allah’s permission and help. Just like all the things happened until today had passed and became history, these latest incidents will pass and become history, with Allah’s permission.

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