Global event held to foster harmony

Students perform at a similar event that took place in Iraq, Arbil.PHOTO: AFP
Students perform at a similar event that took place in Iraq, Arbil.PHOTO: AFP

Date posted: May 10, 2016

Students from several countries conveyed the message of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam through cultural performances

More than 400 students from 17 nations assembled here on Saturday for the 14th International Festival of Language & Culture (IFLC 2016) which had the premise ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (The world is one family)’ to spread the message of global peace and cultural harmony.

“I am amazed to see the spirit of these young students… in fact, they are the real emissaries of peace, who represents not a country or state, but the entire universe,” said Minority Affairs Minister Najma Heptullah who inaugurated the event.

“Besides, the commitment shown by the Educational Endowment Trust is really a benchmark for other organisations working in this direction,” she added.

Students from India and Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, Hungary, US, Georgia and Russia presented their culture by performing folk dances and music.

“IFLC plants a field of harmony and understanding among the people, no matter from which culture, language, religion you are, but we have so many commonalities to share,” said Educational Endowment Trust president Ersin Karaoglan. “We believe that these ideas will be harvested in the future as friendship,” he added.

IFLC is a global event to facilitate a cordial engagement between young change makers from different parts of the world, and has been organised for the past 14 years to showcase the world’s cultural diversity as well as the talent of young students.IANS

I am amazed to see the spirit of these young students… in fact, they are the real emissaries of peace, who represents not a country or state, but the entire universe

Minority Affairs Minister Najma Heptullah

Source: The Hindu , May 10, 2016

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