NTIC’s growing support help 13000 underprivileged children

Date posted: February 7, 2016

Throughout our 18 year history, NTIC (Nigerian Turkish International Colleges) demonstrated a continued hard work in providing educational opportunities to the less privileged students through NTIC Foundation.

Our growing and continued support titled “I Support a Child’s Education”, helped many children, who are in need of basic learning tools, improve their level of education.

This year was no different. 13,000 Stationary Packages were distributed to underprivileged students in several states, among them are; Abuja, Kano, Kaduna, Katsina, Lagos and Yobe.


The project, which started in October 2013, is supported by our parents, students and staff.

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Muhammad Bello was also present during one of our distribution program in Kayada Junior Secondary School, Kuje last week.

He expressed his delight with the kind gesture of NTIC, saying that education is very important to the administration. “It is a means for our children to study harder and make us proud. We are delighted with NTIC for their support,” he also said.

We are thankful to our parents, students, donors and supporters who are making this dream become true with their contributions since 2013.

Source: Nigerian Turkish International Colleges , February 4, 2016

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