KYM Calls for Papers-International Conference on “Social Media for Good”

Date posted: January 31, 2015

Call for Papers
International Conference on “Social Media for Good”
May 14-16, 2015, Istanbul
Organized by “Kimse Yok Mu”

About organizing institute: Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) is an international organization carrying out humanitarian aid and development projects in 110 countries around the globe. Conference aims to reveal theoretical contributions as well as representative practices addressing the use of new generation internet applications to generate social benefit.

Concept Note: Social media platforms have a high potential to serve social benefits by adressing a wider user base from individuals to non-governmental organizations, from private sector to public institutions, thanks to their ability to reach a wider community and any content instantly and freely. Moreover, contrary to the clear distinction between the producer and consumer of information, news and any kind of content in the past, they now host “Prosumers,” as a new form of collective consicousness, merging the producing and consuming acts by an, inherent, motivation 3.0. The effectiveness and popularity of such cooperation-based collective consciousness, “The Wisdom of Crowds”, can be followed in the effect of the accuracy of our searches in Google search engine’s patented PageRank algorithm, as well other popular channels such as the ask-the-audience lifeline of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” contest, motivated by a search for a more accurate answer, compared to the phone-a-friend lifeline.

International Conference on Social Media for Good aims at systematizing and improving existing models on social media, suggesting new innovative approaches and practices, using their effectiveness in enhancing goodness and philanthropy, and resolution of social problems.



With an interdisciplinary outlook, we invite academics, civil society organization professionals/volunteers, social media experts and the youth to submit papers related to but not restricted to the following topics:

  • Creating new platforms for social good
  • Using social media for volunteerism
  • Social media for campaigning and raising awareness
  • Social media and fundraising
  • Social media and improving capacity of CSOs
  • Social media in time of crisis
  • Encouraging youth
  • Collaboration opportunities for social good
  • Harnessing collaborative technologies
  • Philanthropic applications
  • Social media vs. traditional media
  • Struggling with bystander effect: Activism vs. clictivism
  • Creating reliable platforms
  • Motivation 3.0 on social media


Important dates:

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: December 29, 2014
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: January 30, 2015
  • Deadline for Full Paper Submission: April 15, 2015
  • Registration Due: April 15, 2015
  • Welcome Reception: May 14, 2015
  • Conference: May 15-16, 2015

Expenses for travel (economy class round-trip) and accommodation will be covered for speakers.


Abstract Submission

  • Co- authored works are eligible. Authors can submit more than one abstract.
  • Abstracts must be written in English and must not exceed 500 words.
  • Abstracts must include title, name of author(s), author(s) institution, author(s) email address, abstract (body text) and keywords.
  • Abstracts should be submitted, as attachments in MS Word format, to no later than December 29, 2014.
  • An email confirmation will be sent upon successful submission of an abstract.
  • The authors will be notified about abstract acceptance by January 12, 2015.


Full Paper Submission

Authors of accepted abstracts will present their papers at the conference. The authors should submit full text of their paper by April 15, 2015.
Full papers must be written in English and must be 15 to 20 pages long. (Including title page, all tables, appendices, and references).

  • Double spacing and 12pt Times New Roman should be used.
  • Citing and references should be formatted according to APA style rules.
  • All of the pages of the paper should be numbered
  • All papers should be submitted as attachments, in MS Word format

For more information about APA style, please follow the link:
For further questions, please contact the Secretariat of the Conference at
Besides academics, CSOs professionals/volunteers, social media experts, KYM particularly encourages involvement of young as representative prosumers with the use of highest rates of social media.


Organizing Committee:

Levent Eyüboğlu, Deputy Director General, Kimse Yok Mu International Non-Governmental Relief Organization
Prof. Aykut Toros, Department of Sociology, Yeditepe University, Istanbul
Assoc. Prof. Osman Köroğlu, Department of Communication, Fatih University, Istanbul
Assist. Prof. Önder Çetin, Department of Sociology, Fatih University, Istanbul
Dr. Sabahattin Şen, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Yeditepe University, Istanbul
İsmail Hakkı Polat, Department of New Media, Kadir Has University, Istanbul
Yalçın Parmaksız, Department of New Media, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul

Source: Indialogue Foundation

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