Gülen condemns Paris shootings, says all forms of terror deplorable

Date posted: January 14, 2015

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has strongly condemned an attack on a French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a series of shootings in Paris suburbs last week, extending condolences to families of the victims.

Gülen, who has been a vocal voice in rejecting violence and terrorism, said in a statement on Wednesday that these revolting acts of terrorism are deplorable and that they serve no purpose but to bring about “destruction, sorrow and grief.”

“I reiterate my condemnation of all forms of terror regardless of its perpetrators or their stated purposes,” the statement published by the New York-based Alliance of Shared Values said on behalf of Gülen.

The Islamic scholar said he shares his deep condolences with the victims’ families, loved ones and the people of France.

Gülen also extended his condolences to condolences to victims of recent terrorist attacks, including those in Turkey, Nigeria, Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. He urged world leaders to show the same sensitivity about lives lost in such unspeakable tragedies, no matter where they occur.

Source: Today's Zaman , January 14, 2015

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