455 water wells opened in Pakistan thanks to Kimse Yok Mu

Date posted: June 1, 2014


As part of a campaign launched by well-known Turkish charity organization Kimse Yok Mu a total of 455 water wells were drilled in separate parts of Pakistan in two years.

Kimse Yok Mu which operates in many parts of the world with humanitarian aid projects launched a project in 2012 for 1, 3 million people in some cities of Pakistan. Large numbers of philanthropists from Turkey participated in the campaign and 455 water wells were dug in the country in two years.

One of the water wells was opened in Hayber Paktunya last week with a ceremony. Volunteers from Kimse Yok Mu were welcomed with great joy by the locals.

Pakistanis told Cihan news agency that they had live for kilometers to find drinkable water before Kimse Yok Mu opened water drills for them and each year hundreds of people die of drinking contaminated water in Pakistan.

Source: Cihan , May 31, 2014

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