Call for Papers – International Conference on “Indo-Turkish Dialogue: Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives”

Date posted: April 25, 2014




International Conference


Indo-Turkish Dialogue:

Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives

16th & 17th October, 2014


 University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India 



Organized by

Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities

University of Hyderabad, India

Mevlana University, Turkey

Indialogue Foundation, India



India and Turkey relations go back to 16th Century.  Since then, there has been observed mutual influence of both the societies in the areas of economy, trade and culture.  The present bilateral relations are governed by the 1951 Treaty of Friendship between Turkey and India.  These relations have acquired significance in present-day international relations as the two nations have been investing in the relationship to attain its full potential not only for the prosperity of the two countries but also for entire world.  Hence, India and Turkey are committed to develop their valuable relations through intensified high and working-level contacts and enhanced regular consultations on a wide range of issues like investments, culture, education, tourism etc.

            The growing bilateral relations between India and Turkey have enduring effect and there is a need for academic engagement with whole domain of mutual cultural understanding of both the societies. Hence, we need to promote and expand our interactive possibilities at institutional level to study from time to time various aspects related to culture, literature, languages, philosophy etc.   Such scholarly exchange between both the countries would enable us to understand more deeply various social, linguistic processes and philosophic trends occurring in the societies.

            The two-day International Conference on “Indo-Turkish Dialogue:  Historical, Social and Cultural Perspectives” is jointly organized by the Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, University of Hyderabad, India, Mevlana University, Turkey and Indialogue Foundation, India in October, 2014 in University of Hyderabad, India.  The aim of the conference is to make comparative analysis of various aspects of Indian and Turkish societies from historical, social and cultural perspectives. The conference also intends to bring academicians, industry and the policy makers together to discuss on the role of culture and languages in promoting economic relations between the two countries.  The academic meets between two countries on such theme are rare.  Considering the multi-disciplinary nature of the conference, papers are invited from various inter-disciplinary fields from the scholars who are working on the following themes: 

  • Historical relations between India and Turkey from 18th century
  • Indo-Turkish cultural relations and their contribution to the promotion of Indo-Turkish economic relations
  • Influence of various philosophic thoughts
  • Comparative study of Indian and Turkish languages
  • Comparative Study of Indian and Turkish societies
  • Indian and Turkish literature
  • Teaching of Indian languages in Turkish context and Turkish language in Indian context
  • Language and Culture Endangerment in India and Turkey
  • Study of Translations from Indian to Turkish language and vice-versa
  • Architectural impact of India and Turkey
  • The role of civil society organizations in promoting Indo-Turkish relation 

However, the above themes are tentative in nature.  Hence, papers are invited on any other related theme of the conference.  

The conference will undoubtedly contribute to an in-depth understanding of Indian and Turkish societies which will in turn further strengthen bilateral relations between two countries.

Working language: English 

Format of presentations: The abstract should not exceed 300 words, while the full paper should be between 10-15 pages (including references, notes, and tables). Biographical data should not exceed 100 words. Your paper must be double-spaced and typed using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. With the abstract and paper submissions, please include: the title of your paper or poster display; your name and title; institution; e-mail address; and mailing address. 


Last date for submission of abstracts: 30th April, 2014 

Abstract acceptance notification:  30th June, 2014


The abstracts may be sent to the Coordinator of the Conference from University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.  

All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Conference.   Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.  

**The conference committee reserves the right to edit typographical errors in the abstracts and papers prior to publication**  

The organizers of the conference will provide local hospitality (accommodation and meals) during conference days and sightseeing on the third day of the conference and a conference kit. 


Conference Coordinators: 

Prof. J. Prabhakara Rao 


Centre Study of Foreign Languages, 

University of Hyderabad, India 


Tel: +91 4023133663


Mr. Hakan Gok 

Director of International Affairs 

Mevlana University, Turkey 


Tel: +90 3324444243 (1402) 

       +90 5375557408


Mr. Osman Kayaoglu 

Director Hyderabad Office 

Indialogue Foundation, India 


Tel: +91 4023371294 

       +91 7702182006


Source: , April 25, 2014

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