International charity organization Kimse Yok Mu delivered stationary, cloth and food assistance to eth Syrian refugees living in İstanbul.
Around 100 volunteer families from the organization deliver aid boxes to the Syrian refugees every week. Syrian people who are in need of proper assistance expressed their gratitude with the aid assistance.
Celal Türkoğlu, head of İstanbul branch of Kimse Yok Mu told Cihan news agency that there are roughly 100,000 Syrian refugees in İstanbul and they will increase their aid efforts for the refugees with new projects.
Meanwhile, Kimse Yok Mu also collected 24 trucks of aid material for the Syrian refugees living in the eastern provinces of Turkey last week.
Cleric’s Lawyers Want US Suit Backed by Turkey Tossed
Attorneys for a reclusive Muslim cleric living in exile in Pennsylvania asked a federal judge late Wednesday to dismiss a lawsuit that claims he orchestrated human rights abuses in his native Turkey, denouncing it as “pure political theater” by the Turkish government.
Mehmet Gündem: If you were to write a letter or send a message to the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, what would you tell him? Fethullah Gülen: “Do not be content with employing consultants only from among the admirers of your party. Do not only speak with your own organizations. Benefit from the wise people who love Turkey; because they act objectively, and seek no personal gain.”
Prominent businessman Akın İpek pledges huge support to Kimse Yok Mu
A huge support campaign has grown to back Kimse Yok Mu after the recent Cabinet decree which banned the charity’s ability to accept public donations without government approval. Koza İpek Holding Chairman Akın İpek has donated 1000 animals for Eid al-Adha, the Feast of the Sacrifice.
Dr. Ergil answers 100 questions about Fethullah Gülen and his movement
MURAT TOKAY Professor Doğu Ergil, a distinguished political scientist, has completed his two-and-a-half-year study on the volunteer movement inspired by Fethullah Gülen, a preacher, prolific writer and advocate of interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Titled “100 Soruda Fethullah Gülen ve Hareketi” (Fethullah Gülen and His Movement in 100 Questions) (Timaş Publishing House), Ergil’s book dissects the […]
The state, AKP, Religious Affairs Directorate, Alevis and rights
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Eid-al-Adha – Neighborhood Generosity
Capping off this weekend’s Eid al-Adha celebration observed by nearly 2 billion people around the world, the Turkish Cultural Center of Queens (TCCQ), a local non-profit, is giving back locally.
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