Turkish entrepreneurs launch ophthalmology clinic in Senegal

Date posted: February 28, 2014



An ophthalmology clinic funded by the Turkish entrepreneurs was officially inaugurated with a ceremony attended by numerous guests including the Senegalese PM Aminata Toure and Turkey’s ambassador to Senegal, Zeynep Sibel Algan.

Being a Turkish enterprise established as a part of TUSKON’s African expansion, the clinic is to be rated best across the Western Africa. Having started admitting patients in November, it has blazed a trail with its visual surgery operations.

PM Toure, in her opening address, said the hospital has filled a huge gap for Senegal and thanked whoever is involved. Toure further underscored the need for more investments.

The Turkish ambassador Algan said the initiatives in Senegal function as bridges between the two countries.

Ercan Ugurlu, the clinic’s head official, said, “I very much believe that we will serve the Senegalese people in the best way possible with our human-centered, quality healthcare services.”

Following the ribbon cutting, the PM Touré toured the clinic as she was briefed by the officials.

The clinic is to serve 150 patients daily and features pediatric specialist as well. Previously, many Senegalese patients had to go abroad due to the country’s troubled health care services. Now, they instead prefer Nur Ophthalmology Clinic fully equipped with latest technology.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 26 February 2014, Wednesday

Source: HizmetMovement.com , February 28, 2014

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