Answers to the questions about the Hizmet [Gulen] movement

Date posted: January 7, 2013

HizmetNews.COM, January 7, 2013

The Journalists and Writers Foundation launched a new website that answers questions about the Hizmet movement (aka Gulen movement). The website may be reached at The website has the answers in two languages, Turkish and English, at the moment.  The website will be enriched with audio and video recordings soon.

The website also offers opportunity to submit question(s) about the movement.

According to the editorial of the website:

“The movement’s educational activities started in early 90s now spread to over a hundred countries. And as it has become a transnational movement owing to its projects and sympathizers, it has also naturally become a focus of attention. This domestic and overseas growth could either be appreciated or criticized; and questions raised in the media and elsewhere could be consequences of pure curiosity on one hand, or instruments of misinformation on the other.

Since its launch, The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) has tried to carry out the dialogue activities in collaboration of all segments in the society. And it also encourages and supports the endeavors of the members of the academia and the media to grasp the Service, or Hizmet, Movement.

Sometimes during chitchats, overseas trip or in an academic conference, questions are generally responded verbally. And so far, hundreds of academic articles have been written along with more than twenty interviews of Fethullah Gülen that contains his responses to those questions.

We, JWF, believe that collecting the answers for questions from aforementioned sources, organizing them, and putting them in public use are essential. Considering the dynamic nature and momentum that the movement has, however, each answer is restricted with subjectivity, and the knowledge of the people who respond.

New questions will certainly be raised and thus the necessity of responding to them.

We are confident that this humble endeavor will be more comprehensive and productive via your contributions, criticisms and incentives.”

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