Slanders against Hizmet Movement at highest level, which offends Anatolians

Date posted: February 1, 2014


The Federation of Anatolian Businessmen (ANFED) President Rahmi Bıyık stated that slanders against the members of the Hizmet Movement, inspired by Fethullah Gülen is at the highest level of all times, which offends Anatolian people a lot and hurts their feelings.

ANFED held a general meeting in Ankara, which brought together 22 associations. After the meeting, Bıyık made some explanations to the reporters on the agenda of the country. Anatolian people are out of sorts due to excessive intervention of the government to the law system, the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) and law-enforcement officers.

Bıyık criticized some government officials who announced Hizmet Movement as a more dangerous group than some illegal and terrorist organizations such as Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) and Ergenekon, a clandestine and terrorist gang guilty of attempting to overthrow the government. Bıyık said it is very unfair to direct some accusations to the Hizmet Movement without any concrete evidence. “One day these people go back from what they did and understand their mistakes but they will have difficulty in pleasing Anatolian people,” said Bıyık.

Source: Cihan , February 1, 2014

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