Approval rate of Turkish schools abroad at 78 percent

Date posted: January 27, 2014

According to a survey conducted by the International Turkish Association (TÜRKÇEDER), 78 percent of the people in Turkey approve of the Turkish schools abroad.

Research company Veritas conducted a survey in July 2013 with 4,296 people in face-to-face interviews in 42 provinces in an effort to measure the approval rate of the Turkish Olympiads that are organized annually.

Accordingly, 67 percent of the respondents expressed a positive opinion of these language olympiads while only 8 percent expressed a negative view.

The findings of the survey reveal that 86 percent of Justice and Development Party (AK Party) voters among the respondents approve of the olympiads. Among Republican People’s Party (CHP) supporters the rate is 68 percent.

The Turkish Olympiads are considered the most important activity of the Turkish schools established abroad by entrepreneurs affiliated with the Hizmet movement. This movement is inspired by the teachings and ideas of Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

Source: Todays Zaman , January 27, 2014

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