D.C. Group Holds Annual Peace and Dialogue Dinner in Albemarle

Date posted: April 8, 2013

A group focused on spreading peace shared its mission with some community leaders Thursday night in Albemarle County.

The Rumi Forum held its Annual Peace and Dialogue Dinner at the Doubletree Hotel.

Senator Creigh Deeds was the keynote speaker. He addressed issues from sequestration to the importance of discussing cultural differences.

The Rumi Forum president says he hopes the dinner will bridge cultural gaps.

“The gist of it is to bring people that don’t know one another around the table and to meet with one another, have a nice meal and hopefully that will be a catalyst for further social interaction beyond the actual dinner,” said Emre Celik, president of the Rumi Forum.

Charlottesville Vice Mayor Kristin Szakos gave the final remarks of the night.

Source: NBC29.COM, April 4, 2013



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