GYV hosts guests from Istanbul’s Armenian Patriarchate at Abraham’s table

Date posted: October 24, 2013

Journalists and Writers Foundation’s Intercultural Dialogue Platform (KADIP) has established the tradition of meeting with other cultures or faiths’ members monthly by bringing together their opinion leaders and officials around “Abraham’s Table.” The platform’s latest guests in October were from Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul.

Aram Ateshian: “Turkey’s Armenian Patriarch is not recognized as a legal entity”

Armenian Co-Patriarch Aram Ateshian was with Intercultural Dialogue Platform as a part of “Abraham’s Table Gatherings” series in Journalists and Writers Foundation Kuzguncuk office. Atashian was accompanied by several officials from foundations and churches located in Asian side of Istanbul. Critical of the fact that Turkey’s Orthodox Armenian Patriarchate hasn’t been recognized as a legal entity to date, which causes problems on their end, “Armenians have only two patriarchates in the world, one of which is in Istanbul,” Ateshian said. He recalled that he has been invited to various formal occasions by President Gul or PM Erdogan. “However, Orthodox Armenian Patriarchate hasn’t been recognized as a legal entity yet,” he resentfully remarked.

“The past’s sorrows shouldn’t hinder establishment of peace”

The gathering’s host, Journalists and Writers Foundation President Mustafa Yesil said, “Peace was established even on the ashes of a war in Europe that left 50 million dead. The 1915 incidents and sorrows shouldn’t hinder the establishment of peace.”

Excerpted from the article published [in Turkish] on KADIP, 11 October 2013, Friday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , October 24, 2013

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