40-day-old baby, mother under police custody for 4 days: opposition deputy

Date posted: November 21, 2017

A Turkish woman who gave birth to her baby 40 days ago, has been kept under police custody along with her newborn over the past four days, according to main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu.

“Today marks UN’s Childrens’ Rights Day; D.B. and her 40 days old baby, named Ömer, have been kept at Antalya Police Station for 4 days now. Stop injustice! @abdulhamitgul,” Tanrikulu tweeted Monday in an attempt to draw the attention of Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul to the issue.

D.B. was first detained in 350-km-away Kirsehir province and taken to Amasya later on, according to media.

This is not the first-time Turkish police detained a woman who just had a baby as hospitals, hotels as well as state institutions have become common places where suspects are required to check in for registration, involuntarily helping police to locate them.

More than 17,000 women in Turkey have been jailed as part of the government’s post-coup crackdown against critics and opponents.

Some 668 children were also put behind bars along with jailed parents as they had no else to look after them outside.

Source: Turkey Purge , November 20, 2017

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