Teacher detained while visiting relatives during Eid holiday
Date posted: June 29, 2017
A teacher, identified with his/her initials M.P., was detained while on a visit to his/her relatives in Tatar village, Sivas on the very first day of the Muslim festival, Eid al-Fitr.
M.P. was earlier dismissed from his/her job over ties to the Gulen movement, as part of a post-coup emergency.
Gendarmerie forces caught M.P. upon an arrest warrant issued as part of a Van-based investigation into the movement, which the government accuses of masterminding the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. The movement denies involvement.
M.P. is accused of having used ByLock, a controversial mobile app that the government says was once the top communication tool among the members of the movement.
It is a tradition that Muslims visit their elderly relatives at their homes as part of Eid celebrations in Turkey.
Gülen’s lawyer condemns Erdoğan’s accusations, TÜSİAD calls for sanity in country
Prominent Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen’s lawyer, Nurullah Albayrak, condemned Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s latest comments about Gülen.
Prep school debate [in Turkey] continues
According to Bugün columnist Adem Yavuz Arslan, some newspapers, such as Akit, use very harsh language against the Hizmet movement in the prep school debate. Arslan wrote that newspapers are free to criticize things, but the criticism cannot be made as a form of revenge. The right to open a prep school is a democratic right, Arslan said.
NPR interviews Stephen Kinzer on graft probe and Fethullah Gulen
A corruption scandal has forced Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to reshuffle his cabinet, but he is rejecting calls for his resignation. Three of his ministers have resigned because of the scandal. The situation today is being called the biggest threat yet to Erdogan’s 11 years in office. Stephen Kinzer, visiting fellow at the Watson Institute at Brown University, joins Here & Now’s Robin Young to discuss the unfolding situation in Turkey.
Swoboda accuses Erdoğan of using Hizmet movement as a pretext
Socialist leader Hannes Swoboda asked “You were still supporting the Hizmet movement a year ago. Now you use the movement as an excuse for halting reforms. Why do you see them as a danger to Turkey now?”
Sources said Swoboda made it very clear that the EU was very concerned about the state of the rule of law in Turkey. “We are very concerned about the rule of law and the separation of powers, especially the independence of the judiciary,” he stressed.
Tension should be reduced
Both sides [Hizmet movement and the AK Party government] see this rift as a matter of life and death. If you are in a struggle for existence, you do your best to attack the other side, but by doing so, you make mistakes, damage yourself and the other side.
Erdogan’s Muslim spies: Turkish imams snooping on Merkel’s Germany for President
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