Turks are not cows

Date posted: March 4, 2014


In question are serious and grave accusations such as being involved in corruption, stacking money in houses, seeking villas, trying to get rid of millions of dollars…

If all of these were just slander, what would a political man with self-confidence do?

Wouldn’t he publicly present concrete evidence proving the slander? Wouldn’t he challenge, “Bring all the courts in the world; you will not be able to prove that I and my children have been involved in corruption”? If these phone recordings were not genuine, then wouldn’t he do everything to reveal that they are fake? If there was a montage, couldn’t he prove the montage? Wouldn’t he use all the means of the state for this? Wouldn’t he cry out loud: “In my and my children’s houses never, ever were there millions of dollars and millions of euros stacked up”?

But we look and see that he is only saying “parallel” and nothing else. He is saying “montage” and nothing else. They are consoling themselves that “probably many people don’t know about this” and that “those who believe me won’t believe this.” They also console themselves that “because of the peace process a portion of the people won’t say anything.” They look to the elections, thinking: “If I get a lot of votes, all of this will be forgotten.” They are trying to make the topic be forgotten with big – very big – words, such as “War of Independence.”

In short, instead of fighting the accusations in the real sense, a strategy of ducking the issue and getting off the hook is being conducted.

This strategy won’t work because people are neither cows nor lumpheads.

Did you just learn about this, master?

Fethullah Gülen does not have a family and children. Well, our mighty leader, you have known that Gülen does not have a family and children for years. Why did you not mention that at one of those “Turkish Olympics” conventions you participated in?

Fethullah Gülen was hand in hand and arm in arm with the Pope. Well, our esteemed senior, you have known for years that Gülen met the Pope. Why didn’t you mention that in one of those ceremonies organized by daily Zaman?

Fethullah Gülen has called the headscarf “non-essential.” Well, our supreme leader, you knew that for years. When members of the community came to you, instead of saying “I’ll give you whatever you want,” why didn’t you say, “You called the headscarf non-essential. There’s the door”?

Fethullah Gülen did not resist the Feb. 27 events. Well, yes, big master, but you have known this since 1997. Why didn’t you, after that day, show the courage to share this information of yours with the community, or with those behind the community?

Ahmet Hakan is a columnist for daily Hürriyet in which this piece was published on March 4. It was translated into English by the Daily News staff.

Source: Hurriyet Daily , March 4, 2014

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