Senegalese PM Addresses Gulen Movement Conference in Dakar

Senegal's Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye
Senegal's Prime Minister Abdoul Mbaye

Date posted: February 20, 2013

Abdoul Mbaye*

Headmaster of Yavuz Selim Institutes, members of Atlantic Senegal-Turkey Association (ATSA), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to join the members of Atlantic Senegal-Turkey Association (ATSA) to welcome the eminent people guest who, with this conference, will enrich the collective reflection on the theme “Diversity and Cohesion in a Global World”.

Our country is honored to host this event, which is part of our tradition of dialogue and openness of the Senegalese people.

I see, in the holding of this conference here in Senegal, the symbol of the generous ambition of its organizers to reconcile two humanistic perspectives drawn from the source of spirituality by two names. One is inspirational Leopold Sedar Senghor, a Christian poet and philosopher and first president of the Republic of Senegal who ruled a 90% Muslim country for nearly two decades. The other perspective, born on the shores of the Aegean Sea, in the fertile atmosphere of Mediterranean culture, belongs to Mohammad Fethullah Gülen who has brought contemporary Islam to table, open to critical perspectives of knowledge.

As Senghor initiated dialogue of cultures to adjust to the universal civilization, Gülen adopted educational approach to strengthen individuals in the non-stop quest for knowledge to confront the challenges of globalization.

Both with a complementary approach, offered humanity an invaluable opportunity to share positive aspects of spirituality therefore consolidate it with peace by bringing people together.

Today, accelerating pace of globalization raises two contradictory feelings. On the one hand, mutual cultural enrichments due to a visible increase in the means of exchanges create a feeling of closeness between communities. On the other hand, globalization gives rise to resentments resulting from rejection and violence due to fear or ignorance of the values of the other.

Fortunately, peace facilitators like the conference organizers, adopting peacemaking approach, fueled optimism and determination to find new routes of globalization featuring global cohesion enriched by diversity. Otherwise we would be talking about standardization and therefore depletion of our global commons.

Finally, it is notable that University of Cheikh Anta Diop, Temple of Knowledge, seeking enlightenment of tomorrow’s minds, is associated with organizing an event of this nature. Your event contributes to strengthening peace atmosphere among nations, intercultural dialogue and to broadening platforms for consolidating people of the world.

We wish you the greatest success.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Abdoul Mbaye is the Prime Minister of Senegal

Disclaimer: The original article is in French. The translation is intended as solely as a convenience to non-French-reading public. Slight deviations from the original meaning may have occurred due to difficulties in translating phrases and idioms.

Source: Gouvernement Du Senegal , February 08, 2013

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