Gülen urges patience over prep schools row

Fethullah Gülen (Photo: herkul.org)
Fethullah Gülen (Photo: herkul.org)

Date posted: November 15, 2013

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen expressed unhappiness over government [in Turkey] plans to abolish educational institutions that assist high school students to prepare for the national university admission examination and urged people to be patient in the face of this move, which is interpreted as a blow to education in the country.

In a speech published on herkul.org, a website that usually broadcasts his speeches, Gülen said: “A believer could be shaken, but he won’t be toppled. This is how we should interpret this situation. One should be patient over tribulations.”

The government has finished work on the draft version of a law that foresees the closure of all kinds of prep schools, or dershanes, beginning with the 2013-2014 school year and imposing fines on those that continue to operate. The move is seen as a huge blow to free enterprise and others have criticized the idea for its potential to block upward mobility in Turkish society.

Gülen said the Hizmet movement has faced similar situations in the past during coup periods, [as this move is considered by many against Hizmet movement only, but not for the sake of improving education in the country].

“We have been seeing these [situations] since the 1960 coup. We saw the 1970 coup and we got its kick. We saw the 1980 coup and we got its horse kick. We got something from all of them. But those who did the kicking are now being brought to account. We did not do this [bringing them to account]. Divine destiny passed that judgment and the people divine destiny used did this to them,” Gülen said referring to recent judicial cases launched against perpetrators of Turkey’s past coups.

Gülen suggested his admirers almost a year ago to adapt to Goverment’s this negative approach by saying:

“If they close your homes, you should open dorms. If they close your dorms, you will open new homes. If they close your schools, you will respond by opening a university. And when they close your university, you should open ten schools. You should never stop marching.” 

Source: Today's Zaman , November 15, 2013

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