Syracuse celebrates Turkish culture, cuisine at City Hall event

Children from the Turkish Cultural Center pose for pictures with Turkish flags during the first Turkish Day ceremony at Syracuse at City Hall. The event, with folk dances, Turkish cuisine and a proclamation by the Mayor's office, was organized by the local Turkish Cultural Center. 
Stephen D. Cannerelli
Children from the Turkish Cultural Center pose for pictures with Turkish flags during the first Turkish Day ceremony at Syracuse at City Hall. The event, with folk dances, Turkish cuisine and a proclamation by the Mayor's office, was organized by the local Turkish Cultural Center. Stephen D. Cannerelli

Date posted: April 24, 2014


Folk dancing and Turkish cuisine were part of Syracuse’s first Turkish Day celebration Wednesday outside City Hall.

Students from the Turkish Cultural Center raised the country’s flag during the event, which also featured a proclamation by the Mayor’s office. The event was organized by Tim Saka, director of the center.

For the Turkish community, April 23 is an important date in Turkey’s history. In 1920, the Turkish Parliament was inaugurated. “It’s like a celebration of democracy in Turkey,” said Saka. In Turkey, the holiday is National Sovereignty Day. It is also the day Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the first president of the republic of Turkey, set aside as Children’s Day.

Source: , April 23, 2014

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