PM Barzani and Turkish MPs attend the opening of Ishik University in Erbil

On the right, Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani; on the left, Turkey's Consul General Mr. Ahmed Yildiz
On the right, Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani; on the left, Turkey's Consul General Mr. Ahmed Yildiz

Date posted: November 24, 2008

Erbil, Kurdistan Region – Iraq ( – Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, several Turkish Members of Parliament, and Turkey’s Consul General to Mosul along with Kurdistan Regional Government and other officials attended the opening of Ishik University, a private Turkish university in Erbil.

Prime Minister Barzani said that he considers the university, which is affiliated with the Fezalar Education Consortium, to be of great importance to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. “I hope that Ishik University will become a centre where both the academic aspirations of our students and the aspirations of our government for a strong relationship with Turkey are realised.”

The Prime Minister’s administration has stressed education as a strategic aspect of capacity development in the Kurdistan Region. “Today we are preparing the establishment of a progressive and advanced society. Therefore we are trying hard to prepare thousands of our young people in the fields of foreign language, engineering, medicine, technical and computer sciences and other scientific fields, while also creating a new focus on the increase in skills which will support private sector development.”

The Prime Minister also commented on the good progress being made in relations between the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Turkey, noting that the relationship is being built on a strong foundation of understanding, cooperation and growing trust.

Turkey’s Consul General Mr Ahmed Yildiz read a congratulatory letter from Turkey’s Foreign Minister marking the inauguration of Ishik. Mr. Yildiz said he is hopeful about the future relationship, and explained the value of cooperation in educational and commercial fields.

Ishik University President Salih Hoshoglu opened the ceremony. “Ishik University will promote a culture of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. We can work together in our study of scientific programmes.” He explained that there would be four principle colleges in the university, all taught in English: an IT college, a college of administration and economics, and a college for mathematics and education. In addition, evening classes will be available for courses in English, computer science and business administration.

Preparations are underway to open a humanities college as well. Currently 450 students have been accepted, and enrolment is continuing.

Mr Huseyin Chalik, Turkey’s General Director of Higher Education, and these Members of Turkey’s Parliament attended the ceremony: Vahit Kirishchi, Selahattin Aydin, Ibrahim Hasgur, Halil Mazicioglu and Abdulhadi Kahya. Former MPs Cavit Torun, Galip Ensarioglu and Hashim Hashimi were also present.

Source: Kurdistan Regional Government Saturday, November 22, 2008


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