Austrian President Fischer receives Turkish Language Olympiads team

Austrian President Heinz Fischer
Austrian President Heinz Fischer

Date posted: October 21, 2013

The students and teachers, who represented Austria in 11th Turkish Language Olympiads organized by International Turkish Language Education Association (TURKCEDER) were received by the Austrian President Heinz Fischer at the presidential palace.

The olympiad team briefed the president on the language and culture event, during their visit. Fischer congratulated the team for receiving two medals in the event. Zarije Ademi, who got golden medal in the past year’s olympiads, gave a violin performance in honor of the president.

The president Fischer occasionally receives students from across the country. He spared time particularly for the team in his October reception. The president further recommended the students that they learn to play musical instruments. He expressed his thanks to the olympiads’ Austria organizer Phönix Educational Institutions. In return, the head of the team, Nazim Dogan, presented a memento to the president Fischer in gratitude for his warm reception. Having expressed his pleasure to have the team in his office, Fisher posed for a picture with them.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 17 October 2013, Thursday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , October 21, 2013

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