Jailed woman in hospital for delivery to be returned to jail with new-born

Gendarme wait at the door in the hospital to take Ayse Ates and her new-born baby to jail.
Gendarme wait at the door in the hospital to take Ayse Ates and her new-born baby to jail.

Date posted: January 16, 2018

HizmetNews, January 16, 2018

Ayse Ates who has been in the jail for 4 months is in the hospital but will be returned to the jail after giving birth, reports Set Them Free, a website devoted to women, children and babies in the jails in Turkey.

It is reported in social media that although she needs somebody to accompany her, a prosecutor does not allow her relatives to take care of her.

Gendarme will take the mother and baby to jail.

According to Turkish law, a woman’s sentence is postponed for 6 months after giving birth. Ayse Ates has not been found guilty yet.



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