Pro-gov’t daily proudly announces Gulenists put in ‘concentration camp’

Date posted: August 14, 2016

Gulenists under custody as part of an investigation into Turkey’s July 15 coup attempt are kept in a “concentration camp” near Kayseri province, pro-gov’t Turkish news portal Kayseri Haber reported on Aug 13.

According to the daily, a concentration camp has been established by the Kayseri Governor’s Office on the 26th km of Sivas-Kayseri highway. People who are accused of being linked to the Gülen Movement are reportedly taken there for questioning over the bloody coup attempt which took place late on July 15.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has accussed the Gülen movement of being behind the coup attempt and demanded extradition of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen from the US. Thousands of public servants, judges, prosecutors and journalists were detained by the Turkish police for allegedly having links to the Gülen movement.

Meanwhile, Gülen recently issued a statement condemning the failed military coup attempt in Turkey, calling the allegations of his involvement “demeaning.”

Source: Turkish Minute , August 14, 2016

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