Police raid successful Gülen-inspired schools in western Turkey

Date posted: August 18, 2015

Just after another Gülen-inspired school was raided by the police in the southern province of Gaziantep on Monday, private schools established by the volunteers from the Hizmet Movement were raided in the western province of İzmir on Tuesday morning.

The raids took place in the branches of the Yamanlar Education Institutes in several district of the city. The schools are known for their success both in the national highschool and university entrance examinations and international Olympics. Moreover, a kindergarten was also raided in Buca district, reminiscent of the raid at a kindergarten in Zonguldak provice on August 7 in the morning.

Also on Monday, in one of the operations targeting the faith-based Gülen movement, the police along with inspectors from several ministries and institutions conducted raids at eight institutions owned by the Safa Education Institution in Gaziantep on Monday

Source: CIHAN , August 18, 2015

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