‘Pak Turk Businessmen Association actively working to enhance trade with Turkey’

Date posted: July 20, 2015

“Pak Turk Businessmen Association (PTBA) is actively working to enhance bilateral trade between Pakistan and Turkey from present meager US nine million dollars to US three billion dollars in next few years.” PTBA Secretary General Aslam Bhatti stated this while talking to Business Recorder here on Friday.

He said that PTBA was founded on August 2010 with the vibrant aim of facilitating trade relation between the two countries. PTBA is the partner association of Tuskon (Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkey) which is the largest business and industrialists confederation having more than 65,000 member leading companies. Tuskon is having its association offices in more than 140 countries of the world, he added.

The association has already organized a number of bilateral business trips that enabled the business communities of both the countries to have first hand information regarding the business opportunities, he mentioned.

He said there is a great potential of collaboration between the two countries in various fields including transport, telecommunication, manufacturing, tourism and other industries. Pakistan can exploit its potential in the exports of rice, sesame, seeds, leather, textiles, fabrics, sports goods and medical equipment to Turkey where from Pakistan can import chickpeas, lentils, diesel, chemicals, transport vehicles, machinery and energy products. Bhatti said that PTBA organized visits of about 500 businessmen, entrepreneurs and industrialists each from Pakistan and Turkey who established relations with their counterparts in both the countries.

Source: Business Recorder , July 18, 2015

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