Students from Turkish schools return to Romania with three medals

32nd Balkan Mathematical Olympiad
32nd Balkan Mathematical Olympiad 2015

Date posted: May 11, 2015


Romania came second by winning six medals at Math Olympics held in Greece. Three of the medals—two golden and one silver – – were won by the students studying at Turkish schools in the country.

The 32nd Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO 2015) was held in Athens on May 3-8. Six students from two Turkish schools participated in the competition. Stefan Spataru and Marius Bocanu got golden medals while Simona Diaconu won a silver medal. Three other medals, one silver and two bronzes were won by students studying at different schools in Romania.

The students were welcomed by their teachers and parents with flowers at the airport. Bocanu told Cihan news agency that she thanks a lot the students in the school she has been studying for four years.

Source: CIHAN , May 9, 2015

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