Parents seeking urgent Release of School Principle Fatih Keskin

Date posted: December 9, 2019

The Richmond Park Schools Parents’ Council in Bihac has expressed dissatisfaction with the treatment of Fatih Keskin, the school’s principal, and is seeking his urgent release.

The press release stated that they had been informed that Keskin had been arrested on December 3 and that as parents they were concerned about how he had been treated.

“As parents, as we are concerned about the way the principal of this school is treated, and we expect information on the further development of the situation regarding the treatment of the principal,” parents stated, adding that they request to be informed on the reasons for the arrest as soon as possible.

They also state that they will ask the competent institutions to fully apply the principle of innocence in the treatment of Keskin “as long as any responsibility has been shown in the due process”. “We certainly ask that the proceedings against Mr. Keskin respect the right to release him and to prove his right to prove his innocence without any pressure, prescribed by the Constitution of BiH and laws.”

Source: Sarajevo Times , December 7, 2019

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