Turkish schools bear their fruits in Mongolia too

Date posted: February 26, 2014


Turkish school’s alumni in Mongolia have launched the businessmen association Businessmen of the Land of Blue Sky (BASIC).

TUSKON’s Mongolian partner to be, BASIC had its inauguration at Blue Sky, one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital Ulan Bator.

Baatar Tsolman, chairman of the board, said, “With today’s opening, we believe our association will grow increasingly to become a global one. We aim to get our members meet the members of our global partners and thus invest in a variety of fields.

The event saw a large attendance of the business people. Among them were Turkey’s ambassador to Ulan Bator, Turkish businessmen, Azerbaijani investors along with numerous Mongolian businessmen.

The guests enjoyed the traditional instrument Morin Huur performance along the dinner. The association’s officials introduced their initiatives. Business agreements between the partners followed the peaceful and friendly remarks by foreign and local businessmen.

BASIC President Ulambayar Otgon said, “This ceremony introduced our association to the business world. We have TUSKON members and Azerbaijani businessmen too with us tonight. We have signed agreements.”

Turkish schools’ alumni around the world continue to contribute to the global peace.

Published [in Turkish] on Samanyolu Haber, 22 February 2014, Saturday

Source: Todays Zaman , February 26, 2014

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