What do people say about corruption, gov’t and Hizmet?

Date posted: January 30, 2014


I am holding the latest opinion poll carried out by the MetroPOLL research company in my hand.

I leave the comments to you; here are the results: What do you call the Dec. 17 operation? It is a corruption and bribery operation: 42.2 percent. It is a coup attempt against the government: 24 percent. It is both: 24.9 percent. No answer: 8.9 percent. Do you find the corruption operation right? Yes: 60.5 percent. No: 26.5 percent. No answer: 13 percent. Do you believe in claims that some ministers were involved in corruption? Yes: 70.1 percent. No: 16.8 percent. No answer: 13.1 percent. Do you think the government is trying to cover up claims of corruption? Yes: 59.7 percent. No: 29.6 percent. No answer: 10.7 percent. Do you think the government has been putting pressure on the police force since Dec. 17? Yes: 61.6 percent. No: 27 percent. No answer: 11.4 percent. Do you think the investigation is being obstructed? Yes: 57.9 percent. No: 31.7 percent. No answer: 10.5 percent.

Source: Todays Zaman , January 30, 2014

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