Kazakh-Turkish high schools win 16 medals in science competition

Date posted: November 13, 2009

Students from Kazak-Turkish high schools in Kazakhstan won 16 medals in the MOSTRATEC science and technology competition, held in Brazil, the Anatolia news agency reported yesterday.

Twenty-two countries submitted 274 projects in total. The competition, held in Novo Hamburg on Oct. 26-31, aims to bring students from diverse backgrounds together and instill a love for scientific research, guided by the scientific method. Kazak-Turkish schools students also took the first place as a team.

Students from Kazak-Turkish high schools won 11 gold, two silver and three bronze medals. Nariman Kalikov, Adilbek Sapiyev and Bibigül Janahmetova from the Astana Girls and Astana Boys high schools; Botazgoz Nadirova, Ruskhal Turganbekova and Hanzada Mirzabekova from Kızılorda Girls high school; Yernazar Sapashev, Galimzhan Asilhanov and Timur Kusdavletov from the Oral Kazak-Turkish high school; Bahtiyar Kozhamzhar from Astana Nurorda Kazak-Turkish high school; and Galymzhan Tleboldinov from Almaty Boys Kazak-Turkish high school won a gold medal. Aias Alimbeker and Diyas Assanov from the Issık Kazak-Turkish high school earned a silver medal, and Mamyraim Ashirbayev, Nursultan Turekulov and Nurbol Abdualiyev from Almaty Boys Kazak-Turkish high school took bronze.

Brazilian organizers also awarded Kazak-Turkish schools teachers Indira Tolepbergenova and Muammer Gul who were leading the team in Brazil.

Source: Today’s Zaman November 5, 2009 and Gazetegercek.COM November 9, 2009

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