Afghans laud honorable Fethullah Gulen

Students from a Turkish school in Afganistan receive medals in the International Science Olympics. (Photo: Cihan)
Students from a Turkish school in Afganistan receive medals in the International Science Olympics. (Photo: Cihan)

Date posted: February 7, 2016

Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul hosted a conference entitled “Fethullah Gulen’s Perspectives on Combating Extremism in the Muslim World,” jointly organized by the local Tolerance and Dialogue Center and Baran-i Omid Publishing. Leading Afghan officials called attention to Gulen’s approach and education for an efficient and permanent solution to extremism.

In attendance were the Afghan deputy minister of education Dr. Asadullah Mohakkik, secretary to the former Afghan President Hamid Karzani and former minister of hajj and foundations Prof. Nematullah Shahrani, first deputy of the upper house Muhammad Alim Izadyar, deputy minister of borders and tribes Dr. Seyit Ahmet Hakbin, deputy parliament chair Abdul Rauf Enami, president of national newspapers Samsulhak Aryanfar, independent commission of administrative reforms Dr. Ahmed Musahit along with numerous deputies, supreme court members, senior bureaucrats, academics and journalists.

Muhammad Alim Izadyar: The harm that extremism caused to Islam must be tackled in solidarity

First deputy of the upper house Muhammed Alim Izadyar said, “These terrorists have no idea about Islam. There is no place for violence and terrorism in Islam. If they knew Islam well, they wouldn’t have killed so many innocent victims. There are Western countries that are directly or indirectly backing certain countries home to terrorist bodies. Terrorist acts are therefore increasing every day. Islam has been stained in the Western world. The Muslim world must act in solidarity to clean Islam’s name. The honorable Fethullah Gulen discusses this issue in his article and points out that terrorism has greatly harmed Islam’s image.”

Deputy education minister: Gulen’s views on Islam and education are of great significance

Dr. Mohakkik commented that the conference was a very efficient one. “Fethullah Gulen’s article on Le Monde has given us good messages on learning the true Islamic values. Particularly, his views that democratic values should be taught at early age and incorporated in school curricula are very important. As the deputy minister education of the country, I personally know how much Gulen values education. When we include Islamic values in our curricula, next generations will lean towards friendship, love and understanding, not terrorism.”

Similarly, deputy parliament chair Abdul Rauf Enami said Gulen is an elite person in the Muslim world. He is setting an example of true Islam and Muslimhood in action and words, for the entire world and us.

Shahrani: Terrorism is isolating Islam

Former secretary to Karzai Prof. Nematullah Shahrani underscored that terrorism in the name of Islam is actually isolating the Muslims around the world. He went on to say those masterminding terrorists must learn at least tafsir (the Quranic exegesis) before interpreting it.”

Dr. Latif Nazari of Gharjistan University said, Gulen’s article discusses totalitarian ideology, clash of civilizations, anti-Islam arguments in the Western world and imperative to analyze and learn the Quran’s essence. Noting that Gulen identifies these issues with an academic approach, Nazari said, “He has very striking views that terror has nothing to do with Islamic civilization and Western world’s biases against Islam can be overcome with dialog.”

Published [in Turkish] on Samanyolu Haber

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , February 5, 2016

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