Kimse Yok Mu delivers aid to people living in Turkey’s southeast

Kimse Yok Mu, international nonprofit humanitarian aid and development organization, delivered food aid to the poor families in Cizre and Silopi
Kimse Yok Mu, international nonprofit humanitarian aid and development organization, delivered food aid to the poor families in Cizre and Silopi

Date posted: October 17, 2015

Kimse Yok Mu, international nonprofit humanitarian aid and development organization, delivered food aid to the poor families in Cizre and Silopi the districts of the southeastern province of Şırnak on Friday.

Delivering the food aid by himself, the Mardin representative of the organization Behçet Aydın said: “We brought foods to Cizre and Silopi for 100 families. We are going to give these today if God pleases. These people are happy to see us. Also, we are happy to deliver these aids. We will always try to fulfill need of the families,” The families who received the aids burst into tears.

During the delivery of aid, members of the organization encountered with the great difficulties. Due to the ditches, which were previously dug by terrorists, they could not arrive at the houses by car. They carried the aid boxes in their hands to the houses. Also, the volunteers of the organization were exposed to a gas bomb in Silopi.

In addition, some families did not give their addresses on the phone to the volunteers who were suspected of being police officers. Officials of the organization, who convinced families that they are not police, delivered aids to the families one by one.

One of the needy people, who received the food said: “We express our thanks to Kimse Yok Mu which did not leave us alone here,”

Source: CIHAN , October 16, 2015

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