Fethullah Gülen’s Statement on the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

Date posted: June 5, 2018

Fethullah Gülen

As the United Nations and the international community recognize the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, humanity is witnessing the suffering of millions of children, together with their families, from Syria to Yemen, from Libya to Congo, and from Venezuela to Myanmar.

It is a responsibility for every human to try to contribute to the cessation of oppression and atrocities anywhere in the world, within their means and within the framework of universal human values. For believers, it is a religious responsibility as well.

On the occasion of this day, I invite everybody to contribute to the efforts of governmental, civil society and international organizations that are working to rescue children from physical, emotional and other forms of abuse, and to be with them always through their prayers.

May God, the Most Compassionate, end the suffering of all children around the world, including the hundreds of Turkish children who are in prison with their mothers. May God introduce mercy and sensitivity to the hearts of oppressive rulers who terrorize their own people. May God deliver the whole humanity to a world where every child can live with dignity and tranquility with their families.


Source: Alliance for Shared Values , June 4, 2018

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