EP’s Rebecca Harms Visited Turkish Educator Çabuk In Georgian Prison

Date posted: February 17, 2018

Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Parliament and co-president of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly visited Mustafa Emre Çabuk, a Turkish school administrator who was arrested by Georgian authorities last year at the request of the Turkish government, on Thursday according to her post on her Twitter account.

“Today I visited again Mustafa Emre Çabuk in prison. Later I met his wife at home. Saw the picture with his sons. He is missing them. Every day. Every hour. Since 9 months. He told me. #FreeCabuk” wrote Harms on Thursday.

Harms visited to Tbilisi together with a delegation. After the Euronest meetings and talks with Georgian officials, she followed up on the problem of Turkey exerting political pressure on Georgia.

Çabuk is faced with extradition to Turkey due to his alleged links to the Gülen movement, accused by the Turkish government of orchestrating a failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

Harms has visited Çabuk for the second time in prison in Tbilisi and with his wife and lawyer. During her visit to Georgia, Harms urged Georgian authorities not to extradite Çabuk as in Turkey he will not be accorded a fair trial or due process.

Harms visited Çabuk for the first time in jail in Georgia in July 2017. The asylum applications of Çabuk and his family have been rejected by the Georgian authorities.

Source: Stockholm Center for Freedom , St

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