Turkish Imam: Enjoy the properties of Gulen Movement as ‘spoils’

Date posted: August 14, 2016

A video captured during a rally in the aftermath of the coup attempt in Turkey has revealed how Islam has been misinterpreted, abused in Turkey.

Metin Balkanlioglu, one of famous imams of Ismailaga Group of Nakshbendi Tarikah, made a speech at a “Democracy Rally” against coups in July 22, 2916 in Istanbul. He told the crowd to enjoy properties of Gulen Movement as spoils.

He spoke like a victorious commander: use 15 universities as spoils; use numerous hospitals as spoils; a thousand schools are yours, use them as spoils. It is your right, they are spoils, they are spoils…”

As seen in the video a mighty cheer burst from the crowd.

Civil, moderate, sufi Islam is leaving its space to radical Islam in Turkey.

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