Turkish Cultural Center presents ‘Love is a Verb’

"Love Is a Verb" is a documentary detailing the life and teachings of Turkish Islamic teacher Fethullah Gulan.

Date posted: February 12, 2016

Turkish Cultural Center will present “Love is a Verb” at Cinemagic, 1226 Hooksett Road.

“Love is a Verb” is a film examining a social movement of Sufi-inspired Muslims that began in Turkey in the 1960s and now reaches across the globe. The group is called Hizmet – the Turkish word for service – or The Gulen Movement, after its inspiration, leader and beloved teacher Fethullah Gulen – a man Time Magazine named as one of the most influential leaders in the world in 2013

Click here to read full article

Source: The Telegraph , February 10, 2016

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