Kimse Yok Mu offers a hand of compassion to Kyrgyz orphans

Turkey's UN-affiliated aid organization Kimse Yok Mu
Turkey's UN-affiliated aid organization Kimse Yok Mu

Date posted: May 24, 2014


Dedicated to the fight poverty and destitution in 110 countries across the world, Kimse Yok Mu Foundation has recently signed a protocol of assistance to the orphan with the Kyrgyz Foundation of Education. Under the terms of the protocol, KYM will make a donation of 2,280,000 dollars to Kyrgyz orphans.

Additionally, the foundation will build an orphanage in the capital Bishkek. A school campus of about 1.8 hectares has been allocated for the orphanage. KYM will build a swimming pool and gym in addition to covering renovation and furnishing expenses. The complex will be launched in September.

“We are happy to be a part of an initiative of such significance for orphans. We intend to provide a homely atmosphere for them,” KYM’s Director of Permanent Aid Activities Necdet Muhsin Varli said.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 28 April 2014, Monday

Source: , May 2, 2014

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