Kimse Yok Mu sends aid materials with 24 trucks for Syrian refugees

(Photo: Anadolu Agency)
(Photo: Anadolu Agency)

Date posted: April 17, 2014



International charity association collected 24 trucks of aid material for the Syrian refugees living in the eastern provinces of Turkey.

All of the trucks gathered in Nizip, a district in the southeastern province of Gaziantep as part of a countrywide campaign “I need You”. Boxes loaded with food, clothes and cleaning agents will be delivered to the Syrian refugees living in the eastern provinces; Gaziantep, Kilis and Hatay.

Emin Çalhanoğlu, an official from the Kimse Yok Mu told Cihan news agency that aid material that was delivered for the refugees has valued at TL 60 million so far and they will continues their humanitarian aid efforts.

Source: Cihan , April 17, 2014

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