Laotian minister: I feel lucky my son studies at Turkish school

Turkish Eastern Star Bilingual School
Turkish Eastern Star Bilingual School

Date posted: May 18, 2015


Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, minister of information, culture and tourism of Laos said during a science festival organized by the Turkish Eastern Star Bilingual School held recently that he feels lucky his son studies in the Turkish school.

Minister Vongdara attended the science and technology festival, which was organized to encourage students to become involved in science at an early age, along with Lytou Bouapao, deputy minister of education and sports.

Deputy Minister Bouapao said that his son also studies at the Turkish Eastern Star Bilingual School where he receives a high-quality education. According to Bouapao, Laos Turkish Schools offer a combination of Eastern culture and Western education to their children. “It is a privilege to be part of this school,” Bouapao said.

The president of Laos Turkish Schools, Yılmaz Arı, spoke at the festival’s inauguration and said their students have prepared 25 science booths in the festival where they can explain their scientific experiments to visitors. Arı underlined that these science festivals will help their students compete in international science competitions and encourage them to represent their countries.

Source: Today's Zaman , May 18, 2015

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